Recalling a preset via MIDI (Program Change Messages)
You can activate a preset by sending a MIDI program change
message. For example, sending a program change message of
7 activates preset 7.
Midi with Preset Out
The Echosystem can send out MIDI program changes on the
ring of the control port jack whenever a preset is loaded on the
Echosystem. The Echosystem will send out these program
changes on the 4 channels above the Echosystem's current
MIDI channel.
For example, if the Echosystem is set to MIDI channel 5
and preset 3 is loaded, the Echosystem will send out
MIDI program change 3 on MIDI channels 6, 7, 8 & 9.
Midi Beat Clock
Modes that accept a tap tempo input will respond to MIDI
clock messages. MIDI clock specifies quarter notes, subdivided
into 24 MIDI messages. The Echosystem's delay time gets set to
a quarter note.
Midi Control Changes
The Echosystem can be controlled with MIDI control change
messages. Opposite is a table that shows which MIDI control
change number controls each Echosystem parameter.