4. Sweeps per Cell:
A spatial scan operates by successively sampling the output from each selected cell
in the scanner. If an intermittent signal is being measured then a single sample could easily miss the
signal. The sweeps per cell option will force the scanner to stay longer at one location and sample
multiple times with the result being the maximum value of all the sweeps. The number of times each
cell is sampled is the sweeps per cell setting.
5. Scan Data Id:
It is currently not implemented.
6. Peak Marker List:
It is currently not implemented.
7. Peak Hold:
Also known as Max-Hold this is a very important feature as it allows you to run a Spatial Scan
continually replacing the peak amplitude at each location with each successive higher measurement.
This is an excellent way to find the location of an intermittent signal at a single frequency.
8. Replace Data When Running Continuously:
If you Scan Continuously
when this option is checked,
EMxpert software replaces the previous scan data and keeps the last scan data. In order to keep all
scan data, uncheck this option.
9. Click Apply
Spatial Scan Probes Tab
Select and activate all of the probes under the DUT. You can activate the probes
by either left click on individual cells or left click and drag the mouse and choose
Select Cells or click Select All to activate all of the probes. Green indicates the
activated probes.
You can deactivate the probes either left click on already selected cells or left
click and drag the mouse and choose Unselect Cells or click Select None to
deactivate all of the probes.
When you mouse over the grid, row and column coordinates are displayed.
Using the wheel of the mouse will adjust the transparency of the JPG file to help set the probes.
It is important to activate all of the probes under the DUT to have a complete view of the emissions on
the DUT at Level 1
; once the specific source of emissions needs further analysis at higher resolution
only select the cells underneath the are of interest. 9 cells is the recommended amount of cells for an
expedient Level 7 spatial scan.
EMxpert Software
Spatial Scan
Importing design
file or the picture of
the DUT is highly
Please refer to
Overlay Editor