User Manual
Slam Stick User Manual
Version No. 2.0
Table 6: When Connected to Power
Battery Status
Fully charged.
Disconnect from power and use the device for data
Continue charging, note that the yellow light is made
by turning on both the green and red LED.
Battery cannot be charged due
to extreme temperature.
Allow the device to reach the allowed charging
temperature (0°C to 45°C). If problem persists,
contact Midé for assistance.
Device is not operating properly
or not connected correctly.
Check connection, if problem persists, contact Midé
for assistance.
A yellow light (made by turning on both the green and red LEDs) designates that the device is
charging. Once fully charged the LED indicator will display a constant green light. It is estimated
that a full battery charge will take one to two hours depending on the power source and the age
of the battery.
The device may get warm during charging; there is no reason for concern if you
notice this. The temperature measurement is inside the device, so it will generally read a
higher temperature after charging.
Battery Level Check
To check the battery charge level, press and hold the X-button (“S” on Slam Stick S and “C” on
Slam Stick C) for longer than three seconds while unplugged from power. While the button is held
down, the battery life will be indicated by the LED color as specified in Table 7 for approximately
three seconds, after which time the LED will turn off. Once the LED turned off, releasing the
button will return the Slam Stick to sleep mode. See the LED Status Indication section for more
on LED indicators.
If only checking battery level, be sure to hold the button until the charge
indication completes. Pressing the button for less than approximately three seconds will
initiate a recording.