User Manual
Slam Stick User Manual
Version No. 2.0
Slam Stick has been EMI tested and qualified to the United States Military Testing Standard for
Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIL-STD-461F). Test results available here:
. Although the Slam Stick X has been demonstrated to survive harsh environmental
conditions, it is still an electronic device and care should be exercised when determining where
to use the device. It is also recommended to reduce the total duration the device is subjected to
environmental extremes.
Operation of the Slam Stick X outside of the recommended environment will
void the warranty and could also cause the device to be out of calibration.
If you are unsure if the Slam Stick X can survive your intended operational environment, please
Mounting Instructions
In order to measure the appropriate vibrations, a Slam Stick must be mounted securely to the
surface the vibrations are to be measured on. There is more than one way to mount a Slam Stick
and collect data successfully from a vibrating source. Midé supplies mounting bolts and double-
sided tape with any Slam Stick purchase that are recommended for mounting a Slam Stick. While
these two methods of mounting are highly recommended and encouraged, other mounting
options such as magnetic mounting are also acceptable. An incorrect mounting configuration
could result in erroneous data recordings and a user should ensure the Slam Stick is mounted in
an appropriate manner before recording begins.
Before mounting, it is important clean the underside of the Slam Stick and the intended mounting
environment. The double sided tape (3M 950) that is recommended for the Slam Stick is difficult
to remove sometimes. We use the
to remove the tape and recommend this
for applications of repeated mounting and dismounting. Midé provides some plastic razor blades
that can also be helpful.
Many degreasing and cleaning solvents are flammable and must be kept
away from open flames and sparks. Use only under well-ventilated conditions. Do not
smoke while using flammable solvents.
Ensure that any cleaning solvent does not come in contact with the USB
receptacle. Liquids, especially cleaning compounds, have the ability to electrically
damage the Slam Stick device.
The 3D model of the Slam Stick is available to
. This model can be helpful
for designing a mounting platform into your system or determining an appropriate mounting
More information on sensor mounting and its importance with regard to vibration testing, please
refer to our