User Manual
Slam Stick User Manual
Version No. 2.0
Supporting Information
Some common problems that require simple fixes are presented below for troubleshooting. If
you experience an issue that is not covered here or if the suggested actions do not resolve the
problem, please
No LED Activity after Pressing the Button
This may be due to the battery being depleted and therefore the device requires charging. If this
doesn’t resolve the issue, contact Midé for assistance.
There are No New Recording Files on the Device
This question comes up often. Remember the device will never start recording or looking for a
trigger until the button is pressed regardless of the trigger configuration. Another possible
explanation is that the trigger conditions were never met. Also check to ensure there is
on the device (it appears as a standard USB flash drive). The battery could have
also died that prevented the unit from recording. Finally make sure to read the Recording File
Naming & File Structure Section to understand how files are named and stored on the device. If
the problem persists, contact Midé for assistance.
Data File is Corrupted or Does Not Display Data (0 KB file)
The Slam Stick may have suddenly ran out of power and therefore did not close out the file
properly. This can happen rarely due to battery dips; but can also happen from sudden and
extreme impact events directly to the device, water damage, and rapid temperature swings. See
the SD Card & Memory Management Section for assistance on potentially recovering the file.
Midé can also occasionally recover data files that fail in this manner.
There is a Red & Green LED on Simultaneously
Please note that there are two LEDs that the Slam Stick uses to display yellow: a red and a green.
So in some instances the user can distinguish both LEDs as on; this does not indicate an error.
When the Device Initially Plugs into Power, the LED Flashes Red
This indicates an error code. Take note of the number of times the LED flashes and contact Midé
for assistance.
The Device does not appear in “My Computer” when Connected
Wait several moments to ensure that the computer isn’t first trying to “recognize” the device.
Then try to ensure that the USB cable is properly connected, the LED should turn on when
connected to the computer or power. Also this can happen when the device is still in recording
or trigger mode. Another possibility is that your computer’s security software is blocking the
device, please try a different computer and/or contact your IT department.