For Model 4416B, 4416BM1 & 28980A
IM4416B, Revision C
This Instruction Manual describes the basic operation of Model 4416B / 4416BM1 Battery Powered Signal
Conditioner and its use in other ENDEVCO measurement kits, such as Model 28980A Basic Vibration
Measurement Kit.
The ENDEVCO Model 4416B Battery Powered Signal Conditioner is a small, portable, low noise power
supply/amplifier for use with integrated electronic piezoelectric (ISOTRON®) transducers or piezoelectric
transducer (charge output) with Remote Charge Converter (RCC). It supplies ~4 mA of constant current
power to the transducer (or RCC) in a two-wire system. The 4416B is powered by rechargeable batteries
and can be operated during the recharging cycle. The input signal can be amplified by a X1 or X10 gain
stage (4416BM1 has no gain stage). This unit contains a Status LED indicator to notify the operator to
recharge the batteries or input open/short fault conditions. Note: Model 4416BM1 is the same as the 4416B
with the exception that the 4416BM1 does not have a gain switch.
Transducer Connection:
The unit is turned on by attaching a transducer or RCC to the input BNC connector. The EJ21 adapter
allows 10-32 cable connector to be attached to the BNC input. The Status LED will indicate green when the
transducer is properly connected and the batteries are charged. If the input is shorted, the Status LED will
turn red. The Status LED will turn off when the transducer is removed, the input cable is open or the
batteries are low.
Output Connections:
the signal at the output is the mV / Engineering Units (EU) input level times the gain selected, X1 or X10.
For acceleration measurements, EUs are in g’s. The output is AC coupled and is flat (±5%) from 1 Hz to
20kHz. The output can be connected to a DMM, O’scope, Signal analyzer, Data Recorder or PC based
analog to digital converter board.