Pro Swim Unit Installation
Pro Swim Unit Installation
After the liner is installed, add water to the pool to weigh the liner down pulling it tight. When the liner is
tight, cut the holes for each thru-wall fitting and threaded rod hole using a sharp utility knife. Cut the holes
as small as possible for the threaded rods (Fig 4.22).
Fig. 4.22
Using a scratch awl, poke the holes out in each star thru-wall fitting (holes located in 12, 3, 6, 9 clock
positions) and install the thru-wall faceplates using the screws provided. Tighten the screws with a hand
screwdriver to avoid cracking the faceplates. Apply RTV or a similar caulk to the threaded stud and rubber
washer and thread each stud into the 3/8" (9,5mm) holes in the liner/pool wall making sure the rubber
washer is flush against pool liner (Fig 4.23).
Fig. 4.23