Check the shipment for any visible shipping damages and report the damages to the driver.
Unreported damages cannot be addressed if they are not reported at the time of delivery.
Remove the unit from the shipping pallet and place it upon the floor. This unit is heavy (275 lbs.
approx.) so it may require several people to move the unit.
The e-system platform is shipped to you assembled in two parts, the mainframe and seat
assemblies which and can be moved on a dolly.
We would recommend that two persons move the unit so as to provide adequate support while
moving. The unit will pass through a standard 32" doorway. The unit should not be rolled up or
down any steps or stairs please lift the unit over any obstacles. Excessive vibration can cause an
electronic equipment failure.
The e-resistance module provided with the platform is secured to the platform with four bolts.
Please check the module is secured to the platform before moving or using.
Seat should be adjusted to the back position and rotated to the side. Sit on the seat, while lifting
the adjustment handle rotate the seat until facing the unit. Pull the seat adjustment lever located
below and to the front left of the seat and slide towards the arm crank. The seat will adjust from
front to rear using the slide lever 6 inches.
The upper e-resistance system height is adjustable and lifting the adjustment lever can change
the position. Note: Always support the e-resistance module with your other hand and move the
head in the direction desired. The weight of the module is supported and it may not move in
either direction when the lever is moved.
Place hands on the arm crank handles (380 arms only) and feet on the foot crank. With back
supported by the seat, adjust the seat for correct arm and foot rotation (380 arms only). Arms
and legs should not be fully extended during the exercise rotation.
Consult your health or rehab specialist as to the duration and level of exercise you should be
To exit the unit. Stop exercising and remove pulse sensor, release and slide the seat to the rear
then lift the seat pivot handle and rotate the seat to either side.
Remove the seat assembly from the mainframe. Two tightening knobs at the base of the
mainframe and seat base.
Carefully remove the seat assembly to one side of the machine so that the wheelchair can access
the machine. Be careful, as the seat assembly is heavy.
Position the wheelchair in front of the unit and grasp the handles. Adjust the chair for correct arm
rotation. Arms should not fully extend. Using the wheelchair brake lock the chair into position.
The upper e-resistance system height is adjustable and can be positioned by lifting or depressing
the adjustment lever. Note: Always support the e-resistance module with your other hand and
move it in the direction desired. The weight of the module is supported and it may not move in
either direction when the lever is moved.
Place hands on the arm crank handles (380 arms only) and feet on the foot crank. With back
supported by the seat, adjust the seat for correct arm and foot rotation (380 arms only). Arms
and legs should not be fully extended during the exercise rotation.
To exit the unit. Stop exercising and remove pulse sensor, unlock the wheelchair, then carefully
back out of the machine.