HS 55 (Batch Mode)
Function and design
You can extend the functionality of the HS 55 and HS 60 Hg/hydride systems with the
following accessories and modules:
Hg cell ("tulip")
Tulip-shaped cell for higher sensitivity for Hg detection
Hg Plus Upgrade Modul
Enrichment of mercury on a gold collector for ultra-trace analy-
HydrEA Upgrade Kit
Coupling of the Hg/hydride systems to the graphite tube AAS
for ultra-trace analysis of the hydride-forming elements and
An AS-GF autosampler must be used to supply the samples to
the AAS.
You can retrofit these accessories and modules yourself.
The Hg/hydride system consists of a basic module, the functional module and an op-
tional module for mercury enrichment. The three modules are plugged on top of each
other and electrically connected through mixed plug connectors.
The Hg/hydride system can be used with the following AAS devices:
ZEEnit 700 P, ZEEnit 700 Q, ZEEnit 650 P
contrAA 800 series
novAA 800 series, novAA 350i
For information on using the Hg/hydride systems with older Analytik Jena AAS models,
please contact customer service.
Detailed information on the design of the AAS devices and on the analysis process can
be found in the AAS device manuals.
Figure 1 Hg/hydride system with AAS device