Fieldgate FXA42
Could not start Ethernet (1) driver.
The driver for the second Ethernet interface could not be started.
Unsupported Ethernet (1) interface type. (<interface type>)
The Fieldgate FXA42 firmware could not find a driver for the second Ethernet interface.
The message also shows the numerical Ethernet interface type.
Could not initialize NAT/firewall service. (<error message>)
The NAT and firewall service could not be initialized. The message also shows an error
message returned by the service's initialization routine.
Could not initialize cellular modem driver: <error message>
The cellular modem driver could not be initialized. The message also shows an error
message returned by the driver's initialization routine.
Could not initialize WLAN driver: <error message>
The WLAN driver could not be initialized. The message also shows an error message
returned by the driver's initialization routine.
Could not initialize update module: <error message>
The update module, which manages the loading and programming of update packages,
could not be initialized. The message also shows an error message returned by the
module's initialization routine.
Could not initialize DHCP server.
The DHCP driver could not be initialized.
Could not initialize OpenVPN client: <error message>
The OpenVPN client could not be initialized. The message also shows an error message
returned by the client's initialization routine.
Could not initialize system time manager: <error message>
The system time manager could not be initialized. The message also shows an error
message returned by the manager's initialization routine.
Could not initialize COM server: <error message>
The COM server could not be initialized. The message also shows an error message
returned by the server's initialization routine.
Could not initialize portal Event Log service: <error message>
The portal event log service could not be initialized. The message also shows an error
message returned by the service's initialization routine.
Could not load and start diagram.
A diagram could not be loaded and therefore the PLC could not be started.
Could not initialize web configuration modules: <error message>
The web configuration modules, which accept the configuration data from the Settings
page, could not be initialized. The message also shows an error message returned by the
modules' initialization routines.
Could not initialize update exporter module: <error message>
The update export module, which exports the configuration to an update package, could
not be initialized. The message also shows an error message returned by the module's
initialization routine.
Could not initialize update web service: <error message>
The update web service, which manages the upload of update packages via the local web
server, could not be initialized. The message also shows an error message returned by the
service's initialization routine.
Task cycle time has been violated.