Teqwave H
10.4.4 Displaying calibration ranges
The calibration ranges for the temperature and the concentration and compensation
values can be viewed via the
Select concentration app
menu (transmitter with touch
screen). The calibration ranges are also specified on the data sheet of a concentration app.
Navigation using transmitter with touch screen
Settings menu → "Select concentration app" → "Calibration range" → Select temperature,
concentration or compensation value
10.4.5 Configuring the measuring range
Measuring range
menu contains parameters for configuring the measuring range.
• The settings made in this menu also apply for the functions of the analog output,
where they define the minimum (0 V/4 mA) and maximum (10 V/20 mA).
• A valid measuring range must be configured for the selected concentration app in
order to ensure correct operation. In addition, the calibration range is also specified
for measured variables that are relevant for the calibration of the concentration app
(temperature and concentration). The measuring device takes this calibration range
from the concentration app file. It cannot be modified.
Navigation using transmitter with touch screen
1. Settings menu → "Application parameters" → "Measuring range" → "Select measured
variable → "Measuring range Max"
2. Settings menu → "Application parameters" → "Measuring range" → "Select measured
variable → "Measuring range Min"
3. Settings menu → "Application parameters" → "Measuring range" → Select measured
variable → "Decimal places"
Navigation using the Viewer
1. Menu "Teqwave Transmitter" → "Measuring range" → "Select measured variable →
"Measuring range Max"
2. Menu "Teqwave Transmitter" → "Measuring range" → "Select measured variable →
"Measuring range Min"
3. Menu "Teqwave Transmitter" → "View settings" → "Select measured variable" →
"Decimal places"
The operating tool communicates the settings to the transmitter as soon as the
button is clicked.