3.6 Metering Pump Installation
– Non-EL Tank (skip if you have EL tank)
If you are metering fuel directly from a tank not supplied by EnergyLogic, the top suction
method may be used. Verify regulations prior to installation. Contact your authorized
EnergyLogic dealer to purchase an EnergyLogic Top Suction Kit if one was not included in
your original purchase. The use of a genuine EnergyLogic Top Suction Kit (figure) will help to
avoid common fuel delivery issues with this type of
Installation of the Top Suction System:
1. Install the vacuum and pressure gauges on the
pump. Follow steps 1 & 2 in previous section.
2. If you purchased an EnergyLogic Top Suction Kit,
follow the instructions included in the packaging.
Refer to the following for general guidelines.
Guidelines for Top Suction Method:
Purchase an EL Top Suction Kit (if your package did not include one).
Keep in mind that the main storage tank will need to have enough capacity to allow for
separation of water from the used oil. Never meter oil directly from oil drums or totes.
EnergyLogic’s fuel pump is designed for interior use only (must be mounted inside a
protective structure). The minimum recommended fuel temperature is 50
The pump may be mounted to a nearby wall, within 6’ of the tank. The ideal placement
of pump is with the inlet above the filter head assembly, which should be mounted
above the tank fitting. Maximum vertical lift for the suction line should not exceed 6 feet
(2m). This includes the portion of line inside of the tank.
The EL Filter Head Assembly is to be placed such that it filters the oil prior to pump. A
shut off valve should be placed prior to the filter head in order to do a vacuum check.
The pump assembly and wiring connections must be at least 18 inches (46 cm) above
the floor to meet National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes for repair garages.
The inlet to the suction line should be at least 8 inches (20 cm) off the bottom of the
tank, to prevent water and sludge from entering the system.
Use minimum 3/8” OD x 1/32” wall thickness copper tubing. Never create loops.
Use 45 degree flares on the copper tubing. Loose fittings or cracked flares cause
problems. Suction leaks cause air to get sucked into the fuel system. All suction leaks
must be eliminated.
Used-oil contains water from condensation. A drain valve on the bottom of the tank
should be used regularly to remove water and sludge that separates out of the oil and
settles to the bottom of the tank. If your tank does not have a drain valve, you must
have the tank pumped out completely (periodically) to remove the water and sludge.
EL Top Suction Kit Installed
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