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4.8.2 Hydronics Set Up
The EL boiler package provides controls to monitor water level and temperature, but does not
provide all the necessary hydronics components. Closed-loop boiler systems typically have the
following components installed on the water side (actual components should be determined by
the hydronics expert):
Circulator pump
– sized for desired flow rate, modulating actuator and pocket stat.
Air diaphragm expansion tank
– used to prevent system pressure spikes as the loop
water temperature increases. Size this accordingly based on the BTU net output.
Air/water separator
– used to remove air from the initial water charge in a closed-loop
Water make-up valve
– provides make-up water for small losses in the loop over time.
Miscellaneous valves and gauges. Check valves and isolation valves are essential to
ensuring proper water flow and serviceability. Gauges are used to monitor the system.
Air Separator
Check Valve
System Out
Recirc. Loop
140°F Mixing Valve
Circulator Pump
Water Supply
System Return
Hydronics System Example.