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6.2 Fuel Pump Power Connection
Make sure that boiler vessel wiring box is not connected to power or make sure
that the power is shut off and locked out prior to connecting the fuel pump.
The final step in connecting the fuel system is to run the power conduit from the boiler vessel
wiring box to the fuel pump. This is completed as follows:
1. If not already removed, remove the fuel pump housing cover.
2. Locate the coiled flex conduit that is connected to the vessel wire box (box with hour
meter). It has white, orange and green wires. Note: If your pump is remote from the
boiler, you will need to extend the pump wiring. If so, use the same gauge (14 AWG) of
wire that is in the factory pump conduit, at a minimum. Use copper conductors only, and
wire to code.
3. Route the harness to the fuel pump.
4. Connect the conduit to the fuel pump bracket. The knock out hole is provided on the
end of the pump housing.
5. Using insulated, crimp-on connectors, connect the orange wire to one motor wire
connector (it does not matter which one), and the white wire to the remaining motor wire
6. Connect the green (ground) wire to the ground screw on the middle housing bracket.
7. Reinstall the fuel pump housing cover.
Connect Conduit
Ground Screw
Connect Pump Harness
Wires (Orange and
White) to Pump Motor
Wire Connections
Wire Connections to the Metering Pump.