Engelmann Sensor GmbH,
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 24-28, D-69168 Wiesloch-Baiertal, Germany
Manual Gateway Device Monitor Version: V 1.2 / 2018_07_10 Subject to technical change!
There are 2 buttons that adjust the corresponding settings in the Device Monitor.
Set the current PC-Time
disable the time function
Random and Duration
Random means when the upload start inside a timeframe. If more than one Gateway will be configured with
the same setup the random feature will avoid uploads at the same time.
Duration means the timeframe in which the gateway is waiting for telegrams or messages.
Safety time gaps
Some actions need time to deactivate or store/send data was not successful because of unknown
reasons. In the last case a 3 times retry will be start. That’s the reason why a function may need more time as
mentioned. Therefore we suggest the following safety time gaps:
Collect: 1 minute time gap to the next action
FTP upload: 60 minutes time gap to the next action
E-Mail dispatch: 60 minutes time gap to the next action
Time settings
There are several ways to set the time intervals in the Device Monitor. (Shown in red)
Point in time:
This is the possibility to set the time at the beginning of the month or middle of the month or
the end of the month. You can also select all 3 Month start times at the same time. (Energy Budget notice!)
The beginning of the month is always the first and the end of the month is the last day of the month. The
middle of the month is always the 15th. If none of these fields are selected, this function is disabled.
The months are selected here.
If none of the Month are selected, this function is disabled
In addition to the Point in time, it is possible to select individual weekdays. You can select the Point in
time and weekdays together as well as the days or only the Point in time. If none of the fields is selected, this
function is disabled.
Weeks of month:
If you have selected certain days, you can determine the days of the week in which the days
should be activated. If none of the fields is selected, this function is disabled.