Connect on Demand
Select the Radio button to specify the maximum idle time. Internet connection will
disconnect when it reach the maximum idle time, but it will automatically connect
when user tries to access the network.
Keep Alive
Select the Radio button to keep internet connection always on. Specify the redial
period once the internet lose connection.
Get Automatically From
Select the Radio button for get the DNS automatically from DHCP server.
Use These DNS Servers
Select the Radio button for setup the
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
Discard Ping on WAN
Place a Check to Enable or Disable ping from WAN.
Apply / Cancel
to apply the changes or
to return previous settings.
Auction: If the router's MTU is set too high, packets will be fragmented downstream. If the router's
MTU is set too low, the router will fragment packets unnecessarily and in extreme cases may be
unable to establish some connections. In either case, network performance can suffer.