User Manual R0.2
P1 Alarm:
Activated when an error occurs in the sensor reading the line pressure.
P2 Alarm:
Activated when an error occurs in the sensor reading the screw pressure.
T1 Alarm:
Activated when an error occurs in the sensor reading the screw temperature.
T2 Alarm:
Activated when an error occurs in the sensor reading the second temperature.
T2 L.Alarm:
The output is activated when the temperature measured by the sensor connected to the second
temperature input drops below the value entered to the "P136 Temperature 2 Low Alarm " parameter.
T2 H.Alarm:
The output is activated when the temperature measured by the sensor connected to the second
temperature input exceeds the value entered to the "P134 Temperature 2 High Alarm" parameter.
T2 L.Warn:
The output is activated when the temperature measured by the sensor connected to the second
temperature input drops below the value entered to the "P137 Temperature 2 Low Warn " parameter.
T2 H.Warn:
The output is activated when the temperature measured by the sensor connected to the second
temperature input exceeds the value entered to the " Temperature 2 High Warn " parameter.
P074: Output Function1:
The function parameter of the device to be assigned for the output on the terminals 32-33, which are defined as
OUT1. See “Functions That Can Be Assigned to Outputs”, Default function is “Fan”.
P075: Output Delay1:
Related output becomes active at the end of the time value entered to this parameter.
P076: Output Contact Type1:
The contact type of the relevant output, can be selected as NO (normally open) or NC normally closed.
P078: Output Function2:
The function parameter of the device to be assigned for the output on the terminals 30-31, which are defined as
OUT2. See “Functions That Can Be Assigned to Outputs”, Default function is “
P079: Output Delay2:
Related output becomes active at the end of the time value entered to this parameter.
P080: Output Contact Type2:
The contact type of the relevant output, can be selected as NO (normally open) or NC normally closed.
P082: Output Function3:
The function parameter of the device to be assigned for the output on the terminals 28-29, which are defined as
OUT3. See “Functions That Can Be Assigned to Outputs”, Default function is “
P083: Output Delay3:
Related output becomes active at the end of the time value entered to this parameter.
P084: Output Contact Type3:
The contact type of the relevant output, can be selected as NO (normally open) or NC normally closed.
P086: Output Function4:
The function parameter of the device to be assigned for the output on the terminals 27-29, which are defined as
See “Functions That Can Be Assigned to Outputs”, Default function is “
Star Con.
P087: Output Delay4:
Related output becomes active at the end of the time value entered to this parameter.