© 2021 EnOcean |
F-710-017, V1.0
PTM 535BZ User Manual | v1.0 | May 2021 | Page 27/112
Zigbee Green Power (ZGP) radio
PTM 535BZ can be configured via the NFC interface to transmit telegrams using the Zigbee
Green Power (ZGP) standard
instead of using the BLE standard.
In this configuration, PTM 535BZ can transmit three types of ZGP telegrams:
Data telegrams
Data telegrams report the button status of PTM 535BZ
Commissioning telegrams
Commissioning telegrams provide PTM 535BZ device parameters necessary for the
receiver to interpret and authenticate data telegrams
Decommissioning telegrams
Decommissioning telegrams signal to the receiver that PTM 535BZ data telegrams are
no longer intended for the receiver. This can be helpful for instance if a switch is
moved to a different room and therefore shall provide input to different receivers.
PTM 535BZ transmits ZGP decommissioning telegrams if transmission of a decommissioning
telegram has been requested via the NFC interface.
PTM 535BZ transmits ZGP commissioning telegrams if the ECO 200 harvester is actuated and
either the LRN button is pressed or transmission of a commissioning telegram has been re-
quested via the NFC interface.
If the LRN button remains pressed, then commissioning telegrams will be transmitted when-
ever the same ECO action (press or release) is executed as when the LRN button became
pressed and ECO 200 was actuated. For the other direction (release or press), no telegram
will be transmitted.
If for instance the LRN button is pressed by the user and ECO 200 is then actuated into
“press” direction, then PTM 535BZ will transmit commissioning telegrams as long as the LRN
button remains pressed and ECO 200 is moved into the press direction. No telegrams will be
transmitted as long as the LRN button remains pressed and ECO 200 is moved into the re-
lease direction.
If transmission of a commissioning telegram is requested via NFC as described in
, then PTM 535BZ will transmit a commissioning telegram upon the next actuation
(either press or release) of the ECO 200 harvester. After that, the request to transmit a
commissioning telegram will be cleared.
If the LRN button is not pressed when ECO 200 is actuated and no transmission of a com-
missioning telegram or a decommissioning telegram has been requested via the NFC inter-
face, then PTM 535BZ transmits data telegrams if the ECO 200 harvester is actuated.
All three telegram types share the same high-level telegram format and differ only in the
payload as described in subsequent chapters.