Envoy-S Installation and Operation
2016 Enphase Energy Inc.
141-00031 Rev 01
Issue: No Microinverters are Reporting
Check for the following conditions.
Has a device scan been run while the array was active?
A device scan may have been run
while the array was not connected to the grid or when the array was not powered by sunlight.
Run another scan during daylight hours.
Check that the circuit b
reaker(s) for the PV array are in the “ON” position. For the Envoy to
communicate with the microinverters, the PV circuit breakers must be in the “ON” position at
the switchboard.
Verify that the PV modules are connected to the microinverters.
Is the Envoy well located?
The Envoy must be near the primary switchboard or the array's
downstream sub-board. If installing the Envoy-S Standard:
Make sure the Envoy is not plugged into an AC socket strip or surge protector.
Plug the Envoy into an AC socket closer to the switch or sub-board.
Unplug other devices from the AC socket used for the Envoy.
As an alternative if signal strength is poor, power the Envoy from the solar production circuit
(where local electrical code allows for monitoring equipment on the same circuit). This
provides the best possible power line communications. The Envoy must be located indoors
(a garage, attic, basement, or other cool, dry location) or in an IP54-rated enclosure.
Remember that the Envoy must also have an Internet connection.
Is the system energised?
PV modules power microinverters, PV modules provide power only
during daylight hours, and microinverters communicate only when powered.
Run another scan during daylight hours.
Check that the circuit breaker(s) for th
e PV array are in the “ON” position. For the Envoy to
communicate with the microinverters, the PV circuit breakers must be in the “ON” position at
the Switchboard.
Verify that the PV modules are connected to the microinverters.
Is there a phase imbalance?
Ask the electrician to measure the conductors and neutral line to verify that the phases are
balanced. If the phases are not balanced, electricians must recheck the wiring.
Is the Envoy-S plugged into a circuit on the primary switchboard while the PV circuit
breakers are on a downstream sub-board?
The primary switchboard
is full and doesn’t have
additional capacity to add circuit breakers.
Add a sub-board with a small subset of circuit breakers
Hard wire the Envoy-S into that sub-board, so that it can be close to the PV circuit breaker.
Issue: Installer Toolkit Indicates that Scanning is Inhibited
It is best to leave the Envoy in this condition for normal operation. However, if you need to re-enable
scanning (for example, if you replace a microinverter) contact Enphase Customer Support
Power Production Issues
Issue: Power Production LED is solid amber
The Power Production LED
is solid green when all microinverters are producing, flashes green when a
microinverter upgrade is in progress, flashes amber when microinverters are not yet detected, or
becomes solid amber when any microinverter that is expected to produce is not. Check in Installer Toolkit
to see which microinverters are affected.