dataPAC User’s Guide
Chapter 3 - Collecting and Reviewing Data
Select Entire route each repetition to collect the entire route at each of the programmed
collection times. Auto Advance is automatically enabled while the program is running. At
each of the programmed collection times, the first point in the route is collected first. Then,
the dataPAC goes through the entire route before turning off again.
Begin Collecting
Select Immediately to start the programmed data collection right after pressing <F5> (Run
To select a time for collection to begin, choose At: and use the edit boxes to specify the start
time. Then, the program starts at that specific time while the program is running.
Repeat Collection
Select Continuously to have the next programmed collection begin immediately after the
previous collection. Data is collected continuously and the program is repeated as soon as it
is finished.
Select Every X minutes to place a pause between each data collection cycle. The
programmed collections occur at the specified interval. If it takes 5 minutes to collect all the
data, but you have the interval set for one minute, the dataPAC will finish the data collection
cycle, then begin the next cycle. So, if you have the interval set for less than the time it takes
to collect the data, the dataPAC continuously collects the data.
Stop Collecting
Select After X repetitions to stop the program after the collection has repeated a specific
number of times.
Select At and use the edit boxes to specify the stop time. The program stops at that specific
time. If a data collection cycle has not completed at that exact time, the dataPAC finishes
the data cycle before stopping.
Running the Program
After setting up the program and installing a transducer, you can now run the program. To
do so, follow these steps.
Once the program is set the way you want it, choose <F5> (Run Program.) If you need
to save the setup, the following dialog box appears.
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com