Smart Thermostat (Transmitter Operation)
The remote acts as a smart thermostat. Press the
THERMOSTAT key unit SMART is displayed. The
smart thermostat function has the ability to modulate
the flame level with reference to the set point. The
flame will level down when the actual temperature
approaches the set temperature. This function will not
operate the split flow valve to regulate temperature.
Figure 8: Thermostat Function
Figure 9: Smart Thermostat Function
Figure 10: Flame Control
Operating Instructions
Room Thermostat (Transmitter Operation)
The remote transmitter acts as a room thermostat. The thermostat can
be set to a desired temperature to control the comfort level in a room.
Press the THERMOSTAT key to activate this function. The transmitter
display will indicate the thermostat is ON and the set temperature can
be adjusted with the UP/DOWN key. The flame will cycle on and off to
regulate temperature in this mode.
Remote Flame Control
The Proflame 2 remote control system has six (6)
flame levels. Adjust the flame level using the UP/
DOWN key; each time the button is pressed the IFC
will beep to confirm your command. The remote
display will show which level the flame is currently