Call 1300 369 273 17
• WC units have a glazed surface. Glazed surfaces are easy to keep clean and are resistant
against most chemicals.
• Clean bowl regularly.
• Clean external surfaces regularly with a dry, soft cloth. Alternatively clean with hot water
and soap, using soft cloth or a sponge, and wipe dry with a cloth.
• Avoid using cleaning agents on the flush button, instead, use hot water and soap and
wipe dry with a cloth. This is because cleaning agents for porcelain are not intended for
chrome parts/plastics and can risk cracking the flush button if used frequently.
• Cleaning utensils, which contain abrasive agents, such as steelwool and green scouring
pads, must not be used. Strong abrasive materials can scratch the glaze and devoid it of
its original qualities.
• Strong acids such as hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid, strong alkaline such as caustic
soda, and cleaning powders or pastes must not be used.
• Running WC units should be repaired immediately.
Toilet not flushing away
Drain blockages
Offset pan collars are
Do not use offset pan collars
that can impede outlet flow.
Water constantly runs into
Inlet valve failure
Replace inlet valve assembly or
inlet valve seal.
Outlet valve seal washer
is worn or damaged
Replace outlet seal washer.
Water leaks between
cistern and pan
Spreader is dislodged
from cistern or is missing
Take ceramic cistern cover off,
fit spreader back onto cistern,
re-install cistern onto pan.
Water leaks at water inlet
connection to cistern
Inlet connection is not
sealed properly
Use loose nut extension fitting
supplied (IFOS-009) on the inlet
For further assistance, call Enware on 1300 369 273.