Pearl-2 User Guide
Assign audio sources to an input
When mono is selected, two sets of parameters and two audio VU meters appear in the interface -
one for each audio input port on Pearl-2. Parameters that are listed only once apply to both
Assign audio sources to an input
Some audio input ports share internal audio processing resources in Pearl-2. These shared audio sources
appear in the same configuration menus in the Admin panel and appear under the same audio input label in
the user interfaces.
The audio sources that share resources are:
XLR-B (left and right ports)
RCA (left and right ports)
Both the XLR-B (left/right) and RCA (left/right) audio sources appear under the label
Analog-B Audio
. You can
assign one or both audio sources to
Analog-B Audio
. Choosing one audio source for the shared input
disables the other audio source. This means that when you select Analog-B Audio as the audio source for a
layout using the custom layout editor, only the audio source you assign to Analog-B Audio is used. Both audio
sources are assigned by default.
To avoid unwanted signal noise on the RCA ports, we recommend adding no more than 12dB of
gain when RCA or XLR+RCA is selected.