Pearl-2 User Guide
Streaming to a CDN, multicasting, and streaming to
multiple destinations
Are you streaming live video or recorded video?
Do you need to stream the content to one client (peer-to-peer) or deliver a single stream to multiple
clients (multicast)?
Do you need to provide web-based streaming that multiple clients can access using a Content
Distribution Network (CDN), such as YouTube or Facebook Live?
Do you need to encrypt your live stream for higher security?
Streaming to a Content Management System (CMS) like Kaltura or Panopto? See
To start/stop scheduled streams and authenticate with a CMS to create unscheduled ad hoc events using the
touch screen, see
CMS event controls using the touch screen
Streaming to a CDN, multicasting, and streaming to multiple des-
A Content Delivery Network (CDN) relies on geo-diverse CDN servers to receive and disperse web content to
the CDN server closest to the user. The closer the server is to the user, the faster the content is delivered.
Streaming your content through a CDN allows you to stream any time, anywhere, regardless of the viewing
device and you don't have to worry about maintaining your own video streaming servers on site.