Pearl-2 User Guide
Streaming to servers, CDNs, and other devices
Streaming to servers, CDNs, and other
Pearl-2 can stream to CDNs, local media servers, and even to other Pearl-2 devices that are acting as a
streaming ingestion point. Pearl-2 supports many streaming protocols, including: SRT (push), HLS (push),
MPEG-DASH (push), RTMP/RTMPS, and RTSP. Use the Admin panel to set up individual channels configured
on Pearl-2 for streaming.
Topics include:
Set up an RTMP or RTMPS (push) stream
Set up an SRT stream using caller and listener modes
Set up an SRT stream using rendezvous mode
Adjust latency and view the SRT stream status
Set AES encryption and a passphrase for SRT
Set up an MPEG-DASH (push) stream
Set up an RTSP announce stream
Stream to a CDN using an XML profile
Start and stop streaming to a CDN
For details to configure multicast streaming, see
. Streaming a channel to CDNs and
multicast streaming is available only when the H.264 codec is configured as the channel encoding, see
Set up an RTMP or RTMPS (push) stream
Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is this the most common way to stream to a CDN, including to Facebook
Live and YouTube.
Use Real Time Messaging Protocol Secure (RTMPS) to encrypt content before it's streamed over a TLS/SSL
connection for secure live streaming. When enabled, Pearl-2 will always attempt to validate the digital
certificate it receives from the CDN to establish a secure RTMPS connection. The connection will fail if Pearl-2
can't find the CA certificate of your CDN in it's list of certificates.
Pearl-2 has the CA certificates for many of the major CDNs already installed. For RTMPS streaming to work for
your particular CDN, or if you're using a proprietary RTMPS server, ensure that your streaming server's CA
certificate is uploaded to Pearl-2, see
Manage CA and self-signed certificates