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EPS Stromversorgung GmbH
Alter Postweg 101 • 86159 Augsburg
Fon: +49 821 / 570451-0
Fax: +49 821 / 570451-25
PSI 9000 3U Series
Examples of the type 1 terminal:
90° up or down
space saving in depth
no bending radius
horizontal lead
space saving in height
large bending radius
2.3.6 Grounding of the DC output
No matter if the power supply is operated stand-alone or in series connection with others, it is always only allowed
to ground one of all DC output poles. Following also has to be considered:
Because of isolation, there is a max. allowed potential shift of the DC output poles, which also depends on the
„1.8.3. Specific technical data“
for details.
The DC minus pole of a stand-alone unit can be grounded right away, but it should only be done if absolutely nec
essary, because the DC output is connected to PE via X capacitors in order to gain a better HF filtering.
Digital and analog interface are galvanically isolated from the DC output and should never be
grounded, but under no circumstances if any of the DC output poles is grounded too, because
this will cancel the galvanic isolation
If grounding one of the DC output poles check if any pole of the load is already grounded. This
could lead to a short circuit!
2.3.7 Connecting the “Share” bus
The “Share” bus connector on the back side is intended to balance the current of multiple units in parallel opera
tion, especially when using the integrated function generator of the master unit. Alternatively, it can be connected
to a compatible electronic load, like from series ELR 9000, in order to run a two-quadrants operation. For further
information about this mode of operation can be found in section
„3.10.3. Two quadrants operation (2QO)“
For the connection of the share bus the following must be paid attention to:
Connection is only permitted between compatible devices (see
„1.9.10. Share Bus-Connection“
for details) and between a max. of 10 units
If a two-quadrants operation system has to be set up where multiple power supplies are con
nected to one electronic load unit or a group of electronic loads, all units should be connected
via Share bus. One power supply unit is then configured as Share bus master, similar to true
master-slave operation. The group of power supplies may use the master-slave bus for true
master-slave operation, the group of loads may not, because there must be only one master
unit on the Share bus.
2.3.8 Connection of remote sense
Both pins „NC“ of the Sense connector must not be wired!
The cross section of the sense cables is noncritical. Recommendation for cables up to 5 m:
use at least 0.5 mm²
Sense cables should be twisted and laid close to the DC cables to damp oscillation. If neces
sary, an additional capacitor should be installed at the load/consumer to eliminate oscillation
The + sense cables must be connected to + on the load and - sense to - at the load, otherwise
the sense input of the power supply can be damaged. For an example see
In master-slave operation, the remote sensing should be connected to the master unit only