If you see an error message instead, one of the following
problems has occurred:
Suspend to Disk data file does not exist
Suspend to Disk data file is not a hidden file
Suspend to Disk data file is not large enough to contain
your system memory plus your video memory
Your computer cannot determine the location of the
first sector in the Suspend to Disk data file or the first
sector does not contain the correct signature.
Check that you followed the steps above correctly, specified
a large enough Suspend to Disk data file, and have enough
room on the hard disk drive for the file.
If you see the following error message when your system
attempts to enter Suspend to Disk mode, you must run the
MS-DOS DEFRAG.EXE utility to defragment your hard disk
Suspend to Disk Disabled. Suspend to disk
file not contiguous
Then run 0VMAKFIL.EXE, as described above, to recreate
the Suspend to Disk data file.
Recreating the Suspend to Disk data file
Before you can recreate your Suspend to Disk data file, you
must remove the old data file and run the MS-DOS
DEFRAG.EXE utility to make enough room for the file on your
hard disk.
Powering the Computer