If you have used a disk doubling software program, such as
MS-DOS DRVSPACE, you must make sure the Suspend to
Disk data file resides in the boot partition of the drive and
not in the doubled partition.
If you use DRVSPACE later, be sure to remove the Suspend
to Disk data file from the hard disk, run DRVSPACE and
DEFRAG, then create the new file in the boot partition using
0VMAKFIL.EXE (as described below).
Follow these steps:
1. If necessary, exit Windows to the MS-DOS prompt.
2. Log onto the C:/ PM directory.
3. Type the following at the MS-DOS prompt and press
t o
remove the existing Suspend to Disk data file:
You see the following message:
D e l e t e d E x i s t i n g S u s p e n d T o D i s k D a t a
F i l e
4. Type the following
and press
to run the DEFRAG.EXE
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the
defragmentation process.
5. Follow the steps under “Creating the Suspend to Disk data
file,” above, to recreate the file.
Powering the Computer