Character table
You can select among various character table. Make sure that you select same character table as the
printer driver if necessary.
When using the printer driver, change the settings on the printer driver. For details, see “Printer
Driver Settings Overview” on page 66.
International character set for Italic table
You can select among several international character sets for the Italic character table. Each character
set contains eight characters that vary depending on the country or language, so you can customize the
Italic table to suit your printing needs.
Auto CR (carriage return)
This setting automatically adds a line feed (LF) code to the carriage return (CR) code.
The default setting for this feature is Off. Change this to On for systems that do not have CR code
Manual feed wait time
The amount of wait time between the time paper is inserted into the sheet guide and when it is fed. If
the paper feeds before adjusting its position, you can increase the wait time.
Buzzer (beeper)
The printer beeps when an error occurs. (See “Using the Error Indicators” on page 101 for more
information on printer errors.) If you do not want the printer to beep when an error occurs, turn this
setting off.
IBM character table
This setting is available only in IBM PPDS emulation mode. When you select
Table 1
, hex codes 00H
to 1FH and 80H to 9FH of the character tables are used for the control codes. When you select
Table 2
hex codes 00H to 1FH are used for the control codes and 80H to 9FH are used for characters.
Low-noise mode
When this mode is set to
, the noise is reduced, but the printing speed is slower.
FX-890II/FX-890IIN/FX-2190II/FX-2190IIN User’s Guide
Control Panel