Getting to Know Your Scanner
Rev. C
A5 size
Pass 3
Proof Sign-off:
tanto name
SEI Y.Takasaki M.Fujimori
leader name M.Fujimori
editor name
SEI M.Kauppi
The EPSON Perfection 610 scanner offers the following features:
Maximum optical resolution of 600 dots per inch (dpi) for
main scanning, and 2400 dpi with micro step for sub scanning
(36-bit input, 24-bit output).
Start Button control for shortcut scanning operation.
Light body with A4/Letter size scanning area.
Full color or grayscale scanning. Capture your images with
over 16 million colors; or up to 256 shades of gray and black
and white.
EPSON TWAIN lets you take full advantage of your scanner's
advanced features.
EPSON TWAIN's Unsharp Mask option automatically
sharpens the image to provide crisp detail.
EPSON TWAIN's De-screening option automatically
removes unwanted moiré patterns from scanned images for
higher quality output.