User's Manual
Epson Perfection
PUB-119 Rev B.doc
Scan Color button
function, 13
general reference, 2
on Scanner screen (image), 12
Scan Failed message
causes of, 3, 17
general reference, 3, 4, 16
screen display (image), 16
comparing models (image), 1
deployment history, 1
function, 2
functional comparison, 1
Scanner screen
button functions, 12
initial appearance (image), 12
scan failed message, 16
with scanned photo (image), 14
scanning mode
black and white, 2, 19
color, 2
activation, 12, 13
automatic image type recognition, 2
defined, 2
driver, 4, 17, 19
drivers, list of, 4
general reference, 17
installation, 4
leaving automatic mode (image), 15
manual mode, 3, 15
manual mode (image), 16
pop-up window (image), 13, 14
previous mode retained, 15
Scan Failed message, 3
sequence of steps, 19