Epson Research and Development
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Vancouver Design Center
S5U13503B00C Rev. 1.0 Evaluation Board User Manual
Issue Date: 01/01/30
3.5 Color LCD Support
The S5U13503B00C directly supports 4/8/16-bit Dual and Single color LCD panels. All the necessary signals are provided
on the 40-pin ribbon cable header. The interface signals are alternated with grounds on the cable to reduce cross talk and
noise related problems.
To facilitate interfacing a 16-bit panel to the S1D13503, the following external circuit is implemented on-board:
This circuit provides 16-bit color panel support by latching the 8 bits of output data from the S1D13503 to provide 16 bits
of data on the next clock. Refer to Table 2-4, LCD Signal Connector J1 Pinout, on page 10 for specific settings.
3.6 Power Save Modes
The S1D13503 supports two software Power Save Modes. The utility program 13503PD.EXE is supplied to control these
software modes. The software modes are controlled by directly writing the S1D13503 associated internal registers.
3.7 Adjustable LCD Panel Negative Power Supply
The majority of Monochrome LCD panels require a negative power supply to provide between -18 V and -23 V
=45mA). For ease of implementation, such a power supply has been provided as an integral part of this design. The
signal VLCD can be adjusted by R11 (100K potentiometer) to provide an output voltage from -14 V to -23 V and
enabled/disabled by the control signal LCDENB.
LCDENB is directly controlled by register AUX[01], bit 4, of the S1D13503. The VLCD power supply used on the
S5U13503B00C requires a logic “1” to disable it. As the signal LCDENB is a logic “0” at power-up, it is inverted
by external logic to disable VLCD and prevent damaging the panel connected to the S5U13503B00C.
Determine the panel’s specific power requirements and set the potentiometer accordingly before connecting the panel.
3.8 Adjustable LCD Panel Positive Power Supply
The majority of LCD Passive Color panels and most single Monochrome 640x480 STN LCD panels require a positive
power supply to provide b23V and +40V (I
=45mA). For ease of implementation, such a power supply has been
provided as an integral part of this design. The signal VDDH can be adjusted by R8 (100K potentiometer) to provide an
output voltage from +23 V to +40 V and enabled/disabled by the control signal LCDENB.
LCDENB is directly controlled by register AUX[01], bit 4, of the S1D13503. The VDDH power supply used on
the S5U13503B00C requires a logic “1” to disable it. As the signal LCDENB is a logic “0” at power-up, it is invert-
ed by external logic to disable VLCD and prevent damaging the panel connected to the S5U13503B00C.
Determine the panel’s specific power requirements and set the potentiometer accordingly before connecting the panel.
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