Epson Research and Development
Page 49
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/12
9.2.2 Miscellaneous HAL Support
Functions in this group do not fit into any specific category of support. They provide a
miscellaneous range of support for working with the S1D13704
int seGetId(int DevID, int * pId)
Description: Reads the S1D13704 revision code register to determine the chip product and
revisions. The interpreted value is returned in pID.
Parameters: DevID
- pointer to an integer which will receive the controller ID.
S1D13704 values returned in pID are:
- ID_S1D13704
- ID_S1D13704F00A
Other HAL libraries will return their respective controller IDs upon detection of
their controller.
Return Value: ERR_OK
- operation completed with no problems
ERR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE - the HAL was unable to identify the display
controller. Returned when pID returns ID_UNKNOWN.
void seGetHalVersion(const char ** pVersion, const char ** pStatus,
const char **pStatusRevision)
Description: Retrieves the HAL library version information. The return values are ASCII strings.
A typical return would be: “1.01 B 5” - HAL version 1.01, 'B' is the beta designator,
this example would be Beta 5. If pStatus is NULL then pStatusRevision should be
NULL too.
Parameters: pVersion
- Pointer to string to return the version in.
- must point to an allocated string of size VER_SIZE
- Pointer to a string to return the release status in.
- must point to an allocated string of size STATUS_SIZE
pStatusRevision - Pointer to return the current revision of status.
- must point to an allocated string of size STAT_REV_SIZE
Return Value: None