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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/12
Return Value: ERR_OK
- operation completed with no problems
int seSetHightPerformance(int DevID, BOOL OnOff)
Description: This function call enables or disable the high performance bit of the S1D13704.
When high performance is enabled then MClk equals PClk for all video display
resolutions. In the high performance state CPU to video memory performance is
improved at the cost of higher power consumption.
When high performance is disabled then MClk ranges from PClk/1 at 8 bit-per-pixel
to PClk/8 at 1 bit-per-pixel. Without high performance CPU to video memory
accessed speeds are slower but the S1D13704 uses less power.
Parameters: DevID
- a boolean value (defined in HAL.H) to indicate whether to
enable of disable high performance.
Return Value: ERR_OK
- operation completed with no problems
9.2.3 Advanced HAL Functions
Advanced HAL functions include the functions to support split, virtual and rotated
displays. While the concept for using these features is advanced the HAL makes actually
using them easy.
int seSetHWRotate(int DevID, int Rotate)
Description: This function sets the rotation scheme according to the value of 'Rotate'. When
SwivelView mode is selected as the display rotation the scheme selected is the 'non-
X2' scheme.
Parameters: DevID
- the direction to rotate the display
- Valid arguments for Rotate are: LANDSCAPE and PORTRAIT.
Return Value: ERR_OK - operation completed with no problems
ERR_FAILED - the operation failed to complete.
The most likely reason for failing to set a SwivelView mode is an inability to set the
desired frame rate when setting the mode. Other factors which can cause a failure
include having configured for a 0 Hz frame rate or specifying something other than
LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT for the rotation scheme.