Setting Items for Advanced Network Settings
Select the menu item for settings, and then select or specify the setting values.
Device Name
You can enter the following characters.
Character limits: 2 to 15 (you must enter at least 2 characters)
Usable characters: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, -.
Characters you cannot use at the top: 0 to 9, -.
Characters you cannot use at the bottom: -
Select when you are using an access point at home or you are allowing the IP address to be acquired
automatically by DHCP.
Select when you do not want the printer's IP address to be changed. Enter the addresses for IP Address,
Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway, and make DNS Server settings according to your network environment.
When you select
for the IP address assignment settings, you can select the DNS server settings from
. If you cannot obtain the DNS server address automatically, select
, and then enter
the primary DNS server and secondary DNS server address directly.
Proxy Server
Do Not Use
Select when you are using the printer in a home network environment.
Select when you are using a proxy server in your network environment and you want to set it to the printer.
Enter the proxy server address and port number.
IPv6 Address
Select this when using an IPv6 address.
Select this when using an IPv4 address.
Link Speed & Duplex
Select an appropriate Ethernet speed and duplex setting. If you select a setting other than Auto, make sure the
setting corresponds to the settings on the hub you are using.
10BASE-T Half Duplex
10BASE-T Full Duplex
100BASE-TX Half Duplex
100BASE-TX Full Duplex
User's Guide
Network Settings