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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
VIRTUAL.EXE Display Utility
Issue Date: 08/10/08
Program Messages
ERROR: This program requires BIOS1352 to be loaded!
The program BIOS1352.COM must be run before VIRTUAL.EXE. Load BIOS1352.COM and then re-run
ERROR: Insufficient memory for virtual display.
The virtual display is too large to fit in memory. Choose a smaller x or y value.
ERROR: Horizontal resolution must be a multiple of 8.
Panning moves in multiples of pixels. Choose a horizontal resolution which is
a multiple of 8, so panning will not suffer
from screen wrap-around.
ERROR: Specified horizontal resolution is smaller than panel resolution.
The virtual display must always be larger than the panel size.
ERROR: Specified vertical resolution is smaller than panel resolution.
The virtual display must always be larger than the panel size.