Basic Scanning
Page 24
Sizing the Scanned Image
Your scanner can scan images up to 8.5 x 14 inches.
When you scan an image without scaling it (changing
its size or dimensions), the image is scanned at the
same size and proportions as the original.
However, you can change the size of the scanned
image by setting the size of the final image as a
percentage of the original (for example, reducing the
image by 50 percent), or by entering the desired size of
the final image.
There are two ways to change the output size:
Do not use the zoom
feature to resize an
image. The zoom
feature only affects the
way the previewed
image is displayed in
the main window.
TWAIN.bk : basic.fm5 Page 24 Monday, September 8, 1997 11:30 AM