In fact, we have explained the factory set-up in the previous paragraph. The PA OUTPUT can
be configured to always be enable, one can enable the PA OUTPUT and the multipurpose relay
activating the channel A and/or B microphone independently or activating the buzzer mute signal
(BUZZER REMOTE MUTES). Whenever the PA OUTPUT and the multipurpose relay are activated, the
PA-MIC switch associated LED will turn on (in the case of activating the PA OUTPUT permanently,
the multipurpose relay won't be always activated, and the PA-MIC associated LED will turn off). In
order to obtain more information, consult the special operations section.
The microphones of the manager beltpacks WBP-202 can also be directed to the PA output
(in the WBS-202 base station can be registered one manager beltpack per wireless channel).
When this happens, from any of the 2 wireless beltpacks WBP-202, also turns on the LED and
active the multipurpose relay associated (RELAY). For more information, see the the wireless
beltpack WBP-202 owner manual.
In it default configuration, this switch operates as Push to Talk however, can be configured so
that if hold this switch for four seconds, it turned out indefinitely (after this four seconds, the unit
emits a short beep, indicating that the system have entered into this function). For more information
see special operations.
The multipurpose relay, can be also be activated with the MIC TALK switches of lines A and /
or B, or independently of the stage announce switch state.
The WBS-200 base station is provided with two call switches, one per intercom
channel. When one of these switches is pressed a call signal is sent to the
corresponding intercom channel (A or B). The call signal makes the LED associated with
the switch start blinking; if the buzzer its not remote muted (consult remote mute all mics
and buzzer switches for more information) an intermittent sound takes place during three seconds,
the same as in all the units (wired and wireless beltpacks, desk stations, master stations, etc.),
connected to the intercom channel selected.
If the CALL switch is pressed continuously, the duration of the call signal will be higher (the
time that the switch is pressed, and approximately 3 seconds more).
If a call signal is generated in an external unit (wired and wireless beltpacks, desk stations,
master stations, etc.), the LED associated to the CALL switch, will start blinking and if the buzzer is
not remote muted (consult remote mute all mics and buzzer switches for more information) an
intermittent sound will take place during about three seconds.
If a call signal is generated in a wireless beltpack of the intercom system, the
corresponding IN RANGE led to the beltpack number start blink. If this call is generated by
a single wireless beltpack WBP-200 registered in the R1 radio group, the call will be sent
to the intercom line channel A, however, if it is generated by a single wireless beltpack
WBP-200 registered in the R2 radio group, the call will be sent to the intercom line channel A , if
the mode selector switch radio R2 is set to CH1 (join the R1 and R2 radio groups), if
this mode selector switch radio R2 is set to CH2, the call of the wireless beltpack
will be transmitted to the intercom line channel B.
If the wireless beltpack is a dual channel WBP-202 wireless beltpack, the call
is independent of the registered group (R1 or R2) as well as the mode selector
switch radio R2 and the beltpack send the call signal to the channel selected in its
channel selection LEDs (A, B or A + B).
The WBS-202 base station is provided with two talk switches, one per intercom channel.
The TALK switch allows to enable/disable the microphone, so that we are able to speak