R U/L/H Series
User Guide, Rev. 00 (May 2015)
CARP is a network protocol that allows many devices to be connected into redundancy group which
will be available as one device on chosen network address. For example you can choose devices
that have IPs and to be available on If one device will
stop working, the other one will serve users at shared address. Device that is currently active on
shared address is called master and other devices are called backup.
If you want to configure CARP, please choose network interface on which CARP client will be
available and choose group identifier that will be same on all devices in group-it has to be number
from 1 to 255. Enter virtual shared IP address. Advertisement frequency and skew regulate how
often devices will be contacting each other. Remember to define up script and down script that will
set/delete routings when becoming master/backup.