Dokansv/Godkänd - Doc respons/Approved
1541 - ASB 150 02 Uen
Faktaansvarig - Subject responsible
Terminal Application to load the file into the CPU-D4
Before starting the upgrading verify if the system time and date is correct otherwise correct it with RASC.
Verify that the physical connection to the exchange has been established between the COM port of the
PC (optionally via modem) and the V.24 interface/modem on the CPU-D4.
The upgrade program chkdiff.exe creates an output file called (____.txt). This is a binary file and must be
sent as a text file. The terminal application has to be set for this type of transmission. Depending on which
type of upgrade is requested, the file is composed of either a complete new ASB 150 02 software version
or of only the differences in code between the existing software on the CPU-D4 and the new software, to
reduce transmission time. In the latter case data is omitted that is already available in the active FLASH
on the CPU-D4.
This shows that it is very important to know the actual software in the active FLASH running on the CPU-
D4 and not depend on revision information stated on the PROMS mounted on the CPU-D4. Note that the
software version stated on the PROMS is obsolete after loading the new software. The output file (____.txt)
must not be accessed by any editor as this action may destroy the content.
Start the terminal program as available on your operating system e.g. Hyperterminal. The terminal
application starts the communication with the CPU-D4 and a selection menu is displayed prompting the
next actions. The CPU-D4 supervises the communication and if no input occurs for more than 15 minutes
the terminal is logged off and the connection is shut down. This is to prevent unnecessary connection fees.
The CPU-D4 verifies all entered requests and the menu screen offers a selection of commands that are
executed by typing in a letter.
Set up the connection to the ASB 150 02 system by using the terminal program on your PC and after
having configured the settings mentioned before. To start the communication quickly press the "S" key 3
times. There is a timer surveillance monitoring the time between two key strokes and if it is greater than
1 second the process is terminated.
If the connection was built up successfully a welcome screen (see below) greets the user and requests a
password entry.
Communication Start
If the correct password is entered the main menu will be displayed otherwise the session will be
automatically closed.
Enter the system password: