Digital Temperature Controller
92 series
1. Introduction
The Inside Stuff
Version - 12
Date - 25 April 08
Temperature Indicators and Controllers
play an important part in any process
industry. Quick and accurate measurement
and control of process temperature will
improve the final product quality, reliability
and reduce rejection. Temperature
indication and control is therefore one of the
prime considerations in any process
ESD 92
series is a On / Off type Digital
Temperature Controller designed for fast
and accurate measurement and control. The
instrument is designed using highly reliable
e l e c t r o n i c c o m p o n e n t s . P r o c e s s
temperature is displayed directly in digits,
giving better resolution compared to analog
ESD 92
series accepts all types of
Thermocouples, Pt - 100, 0 to 20 mA, 4 - 20
mA as well as 0-2/5/10 V DC as input . Wide
ranges of measurements are available.
The instrument is immune to mechanical
vibrations. Even the mounting position will
not affect the measurement accuracy. The
large bright red LED seven segment display
allows long distance readability. Use of
highly reliable electronic components with
low temperature coefficient ensure long and
trouble free service. The instrument is
tested for its performance under various
climatic conditions.
1. Introduction
2. Principle of
3. Features
4. Specifications
5. Block Diagram
6. Schematic
7. Installation
8. Calibration
9. Look-up Table
10. Fault Diagnosis
11. As you unpack
12. Warranty
13. Ordering
14. Health Tips
15. Definitions