Kongsberg C-series
1 - Pick Sheet Additional Travel
When picking a board the carriage beam
moves down until the suction cup with the
plunger sensor detects the top of the stack.
The Pick Sheet Additional Travel will cause
the beam to move downward into the stack
the amount of additional travel as set by this
The additional travel range is 0 to 50 mm
You need to be careful not to set a value that will cause any of the compensators to exceed
their total stroke, which may result in a suction cup arm overload resulting in a safety bumper
This additional travel feature is useful when running warped boards, or picking from an uneven
surface. Setting additional travel will cause the beam to travel further into the stack so that all
of the suction cups make contact with the top board.
2 - Delay to Build Vacuum Time
The Build Vacuum time is that amount of time that the suction cups are in contact with the
board to allow vacuum to develop before the carriage begins to lift the board.
The delay time is entered in seconds.
3 - Sheet Release Air Time
When the board is released to the support table, air is momentarily injected into the carriage
vacuum system to neutralize the vacuum at the suction cups.
The Release Air time is the duration of this air injection. The duration time is entered in
For example, enter a value of 500 equals air injection for .5 seconds. Likewise a value of 1000
equals 1 second.
19.8.4. Feeder Setting Screen 2
1 - Raise to Pick Pause Distance
The carriage beam begins to raise the board
after the Delay to Build Vacuum time expires.
The carriage will slowly raise to the Pick Pause
position as set by the Pick Pause Distance