After spraying:
1. Disengage trigger.
2. Turn engine off.
3. Take off backpack tank
4. Open backpack tank; clean its interior and exterior;
fill tank with 5 liters (1.25) gallons of clean water; close tank
5. Disconnect air and liquid spray gun quick connects.
6. Disassemble liquid filter assembly; set aside.
7. Put liquid quick connect plug (which is still threaded in
1/8 inch NPT body) into liquid quick connect socket;
water will begin to run out of quick connect plug;
allow 4 liters (1 gallon) to run through to clean lines.
8. Unplug liquid quick connect plug from liquid quick connect
socket to stop flow of liquid.
9. Clean liquid filter assembly.
10. Reassemble liquid filter assembly.
11. Reconnect quick connects.
12. Turn engine on.
13. Engage trigger and allow remaining liter (approximately
1 quart) of water to run through to clean spray gun; allow
air to flow for 30 seconds more to reduce possibility of
14. Turn engine off.
15. Disconnect spray gun quick connects.
16. Disconnect the air hose from the air compressor.
17. Apply silicone spray or similar lubricating oil to all
quick connects.
18. Clean the nozzle assembly.
19. Record application in Spray Log.
Sil-Glyde is an excellent silicone-based
protective lubricant. You may purchase
it directly from ESS. S/N # 3174