Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 |
of the product, or parts thereof, returned to Essex Electronics Inc. at
Buyer’s expense and shown to Essex Electronics Inc.’s reasonable
satisfaction to have been defective.
Notice of any defect must be sent in writing to Essex Electronics, Inc.,
1130 Mark Avenue, Carpinteria, California, 93013, USA and must
include the date code of the unit, description of the defect and factory
assigned Return Authorization #. Upon receipt of such notification,
Essex will determine whether to repair or replace. We also reserve
the right to have our representative make any inspection or repairs,
or furnish replacements.
Disclaimer of Warranties: Limitation of Buyer’s Remedies
Except for the repair or replacement at seller’s option which is
expressly set forth above, Essex Electronics Inc. extends no warranty
of any kind, express or implied, and disclaims any implied warranty of
merchantability or suitability for purpose for which sold, with respect
to the keypads, keyless entry coded access system or accessories.
Except for the limited repair or replacement specified above, under no
circumstances will Essex Electronics Inc. be liable to buyer under or
in connection with any manufacture or sale of any of the products set
forth above under any tort, negligence, strict liability, contract or other
legal or equitable theory, or for incidental or consequential damages,
or buyer’s cost of effecting insurance coverage.
The foregoing limited warranty expressed herein constitutes the sole
and entire warranty with respect to the products set forth above and is
in place of any and all other warranties, express or implied.
This warranty may not be expanded or extended by any oral
representation, written sales information, advertising, drawings or
otherwise. Essex Electronics Inc. is not responsible hereunder
for incidental damage to person or property, or other incidental or