Hardware Description
XETK-S22.0 - User’s Guide
While the microcontroller accesses the program data (not the program code)
out of the data emulation memory provided by the microcontroller, the content
of the data emulation memory can simultaneously be modified by the calibra-
tion and development system through the XETK Ethernet interface. This pro-
cess enables adjustments of parameters, characteristic lines and maps
through the calibration and development system.
Using an additional measurement data memory area, the ECU microcontroller
can provide data to the calibration and development system by buffering the
data (DISTAB) and triggering the XETK to read the data via JTAG. The XETK
then reads, buffers, processes and sends this measured data to the PC.
Using the Aurora Trace interface, the XETK-S22.0D can acquire additional mea-
surement data and send the measured data to the PC.
The 100 Mbit/s XETK Ethernet interface provides communication with the PC.
The power supply for the XETK-S22.0 is provided by a switch mode power sup-
ply, to minimize power dissipation.