ETC Installation Guide
SmartSwitch to Echo Relay Panel Feedthrough Retrofit Kit
SmartSwitch to Echo Relay Panel Feedthrough Retrofit Kit
Page 11 of 14
Connect Power Control Processor Power Harness
1. Locate the six-color harness (labeled 7123B7101) provided with the retrofit kit.
2. Check connector orientation then press one end to the termination board connection as shown on
following page.
3. Connect the other end to the power connector on the back side of the user interface.
Connect the Network Card Wiring
1. Locate the five-color harness (labeled 7123B7001) and Cat5 Termination Kit provided with the
retrofit kit.
2. Connect the five-color harness (7123B7001) between the five-pin receptacle labeled Input (J3) on the
network card and the five-pin receptacle labeled NOC (J11) on the relay panel termination board.
3. Pull Category 5 (or equivalent) cable to the network card with the Cat5 Termination Kit installed (refer
to the instructions provided with the termination kit).
4. Connect the network card to the building wiring using the provided patch cable from the Cat5
termination kit.
Connect User Interface Ribbon Cable
1. Locate the gray ribbon cable provided with the retrofit kit.
2. Push one end of the ribbon cable into the header on the termination board until seated securely.
3. Push the other end of the ribbon cable firmly into the user interface header.
4. Clip one retaining clip onto each header to secure each end of the user interface ribbon cable. Two
retaining clips are provided (ETC part number HW7519).
Connect the Ground Wire
The ground wire is included as part of the Power Control Processor mounting panel. Using a Phillips
screwdriver, connect the free end of the ground wire to the ground stud located below the power supply.
Locking door made
transparent to show
upper connection detail
board harness
with additional
wires dressed out
of the way
Six-color Power
Control Processor
power harness
Gray user
interface ribbon
Power supply
harness (factory
Ground wire
Blue and white panel
power wires
(A third pair of wires
will exist if modifying
a 48-position panel.)
Five-color network
card harness