SolaPix 7 User Manual
Access Service Settings
Navigate: Main Menu
Service Setting
Service PIN
Service PIN XXX
You must enter the Service PIN in order to access the
other Service Setting parameters. The default Service
PIN is 050.
Manufacturer ID
and a randomly
generated number
This password-protected menu item lets you modify
the RDM UID. You must enter the Service PIN to
access this menu item.
Note: Remote Device Management (RDM) requires
that all RDM devices have a unique identifier (UID).
Modifying this setting can break the RDM capability
of this fixture.
Duplicate RDM UIDs on the same DMX control run
will result in a data collision, causing a
communication failure. Ensure that all fixtures have a
unique RDM UID if RDM functionality is to be used.
If DMX splitters are used and RDM control is to be
used, these splitters must support RDM.
Ethernet IP
This password-protected menu item lets you modify
the IP address. You must enter the Service PIN to
access this menu item.
The default IP address is
Ethernet Mask IP
This password-protected menu item lets you modify
the IP subnet mask. You must enter the Service PIN
to access this menu item.
The default IP subnet mask is
Clr Err Info
This password-protected menu item lets you clear
error messages after you have fixed the errors. You
must enter the Service PIN to access this menu item.
Set this parameter to ON in order to clear the error
messages. The default setting is OFF.
Set the Fans Mode
Navigate: Main Menu
Fans Mode Setting
Select the fan mode for the fixture:
Studio (reduces fan noise, but decreases fixture output by ~20%)
Fan Speed DMX control overrides the Fans Mode setting in the fixture user
interface when the DMX control is set to Standard or Studio. See the SolaPix 7 DMX
channel map for more details: