4. Remote Control
With the remote control function provided, this series power supply can communicate with PC by RS-232
interface and enable all the panel operations by series port software.
4.1 Interface Setting
4.1.1 Interface
The RS-232 interface is installed on the real panel of instrument.
RS-232 interface
4.1.2 COM Port Setting
Set up the COM port inside PC according to the following list
Baud rate: 9600
Parity bit: None
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Data flow control: None
Note 1:
If the power supply has no response under the remote control, please check the following items.
Check whether the connection cable is broken off or not.
Check whether the connection cable is crossover cable.
Check whether the pin connection among interface cable, power cord and PC is correct or not.
Check whether the interface cable is properly connected or not.
Check whether the communication parameters setup is compliant to COM port setting or not.
Check whether the end character is line break or not (hexadecimal 0X0A).
Note 2:
When the remote controller is on line, the
button backlight turns on and the operation can only be
proceeded through it. At this time, all the panel operations are closed unless the
button is pressed again.
4.2 SCPI Commands
For detailed SCPI commands, please refer to the programming software in the CD ROM attached to the