variants of the dampers; the standard galvanised screws are replaced with stainless-steel M4
screws of corresponding class the counterpart has stainless-steel riveting M4 nuts.
Some fasteners and components are available in one class of stainless steel; the type will be
used in all stainless-steel variants. The leaf in the variants for chemical environments (Class A4)
is always treated with a coating of chemically resistant Promat SR.
Any other requirements for the design shall be considered atypical and shall be addressed on
an individual basis.
13. Inspection, testing
13.1 The appliance is constructed and preset by the manufacturer, its operation is dependent
on proper installation and adjustment.
14. Logistic terms
14.1 The dampers are delivered as bulk cargo. Any other packing methods must be agreed with the
manufacturer in advance. The potential packages will be considered non-returnable and their
price will not be included in the product price.
The dampers are transported by box freight vehicles; no sharp shocks must occur and the
ambient temperature must not 40°C. For handling during transport, the dampers must
be protected against mechanical damages and weather impact. If the customer wishes it, the
dampers can be transported on pallets. During transport, the damper blade must be in the
"CLOSED" position.
Unless another method of reception is specified in the purchase order, the handover of the
dampers to the forwarder shall be understood as reception.
14.2 The dampers must be stored in covered buildings, in an environment without aggressive
vapours, gases and dust. A temperature in a range of -5°C and +40°C and a relative
humidity of max. 80%
must be maintained in the buildings. For handling during storage, the dampers must be pro-
tected against mechanical damage.
14.3 The delivery includes the complete damper and the delivery note.
15. Warranty
15.1 The warranty for fire dampers FDMQ, provided by the manufacturer, shall become completely
null and void if the starting, closing and control devices are unprofessionally handled by un-
trained workers or if electric components, i.e. limit switches, actuating mechanisms,
communication and supply devices and thermoelectric starting mechanisms are dismounted.
The warranty shall also become null and void if the dampers are used for other purposes, de-
vices and working conditions than those allowed by these technical conditions or if the damp-
ers are mechanically damaged during handling.
15.2 If the dampers are damaged by transport, a record must be written down with the forwarder at
reception for later complaint.
16. Assembly
16.1 The assembly of the dampers must be carried out while observing all applicable safety
standards and regulations.
16.2 The damper body should not be deformed in the course of bricking in. Once the damper is
builtin, its blade should not grind on the damper body during opening or closing.
Inspection, testing
Transportation and storage
Assembly, attendance, maintenance and revisions