3.7.4 Online
You can check the current online user(s) with respective online information. To refresh the list, click “Reload”.
To allow anonymous login, select “Enable” in “Anonymous Viewer Login”.
To disable image code verification at login, select “No” in “Login with CAPTCHA Image”.
3.7.5 Account
You can create a new account with different user access privilege, or delete or modify an existing account
How to create a new account
Step1: Click “New”, and fill in the following columns.
User Name
Set a user name that will be used for camera access. The user name allows up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
Set the password that will be used for remote login. The password allows up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
Confirm Password
Enter the password again to confirm.
User Level
Set the security level of an account to give the permission to control different functions. There are four user levels:
Life Time
Select how long this account is allowed to stay online (1 MIN / 5 MIN / 10 MIN / 1 HOUR / 1 DAY / INFINITE)
Step2: Then, click “Save” to save your setting and create a new account.
How to modify or delete an existing account
Step1: Select the account you want to modify or delete.
Step2: To modify the account, click “Edit” to change the settings, and click “Save”.
To remove the account, click “Delete”.
Note: It’s not allowed to remove an account when there’s only one account in the account list.